Eco Fluids Lab

Welcome to the Hansen Ecofluids website!

We study interactions between hydrology and ecology in wetlands, streams and rivers with an interest in understanding the linked ecohydrological processes well enough to use them to improve water quality.
Biota such as aquatic vegetation, freshwater mussels and filamentous algae are especially interesting to us as they can change physical, biological and chemical environmental conditions in a water body and thus may be key elements in improving ecosystem health.
Microbes are also part of the biota that we study. Microbes are responsible for many of the chemical transformations that effect water quality and respond as an assemblage to changes in biotic structure.   
We use a wide range of methods to address research questions including field observations and experiments, controlled laboratory experiments in flumes or other mesocosms, data analysis and mathematical process models. Methods used typically match the type of research question posed and the interests and skills of the researcher.
Researchers in our group have a wide range of experience and skills which we all benefit from by sharing our science as linked through our common interests. Depending on funding, group members include masters and doctoral graduate students, undergraduates and postdoctoral research associates. The best way to see if there are currently any open positions is to email Dr. Hansen and ask!